@Faheem's Motto: "Envisioning, Persistence & Discipline.



2016 - 1ST EDITION. ISBN 978-969-9647-08-6

Summary: Behind an action is thought and behind that thought is an idea. Ideas can enslave and they can also emancipate. Mind conquest is very real. It is all around us. It happens in ways that we do not necessarily notice or at times understand. This necessitates a clear understanding of our selves and especially our minds. This book deconstructs these aspects and brings forth a way to deal with the Mind Conquest, which is in its most intense and lethal form. Mind Conquest was added to the National Library Collection of Pakistan, in June 2016, and is part of the 2016 Bibliography. Mind Conquest is now becoming part of the curricula in various Universities in Pakistan. Some videos are at Hive Discussion, National Book Foundation Discussion and Faheem's YouTube Channel. For more details, comments and updates you can visit The Facebook Page

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