@Faheem's Motto: "Envisioning, Persistence & Discipline.



2014 - 1ST EDITION. ISBN 978-969-9647-05-5

Summary: CEO at 34 is about managing and succeeding in life, with specific reference to work. The author, who became a CEO at 34 describes how to manage and how to succeed, in a practically applicable manner. He discusses not only the elements necessary for success but also those which cause failure. He deconstructs the role of the individual in the complex universe of management, highlighting how the quest for success can be made a reality and how it is influenced, not only by the self, but also by the environment and many other important dynamics. CEO at 34 was added to the National Library Collection of Pakistan, in December 2014, and is part of the 2014 Bibliography. CEO at 34 is now becoming part of the curricula in various Universities in Pakistan. Some videos are at Discussion at CAMP, National Book Foundation and Faheem's YouTube Channel. For more details, comments and updates you can visit the Facebook Page.

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